Join the Kai A-OK Club
Want to join a really cool kid’s club?
What’s the A-OK Club?
Performing Acts of Kindness (A-OK)
Greeting people with a smile or doing Acts of Kindness brings happiness to others.
All you need to do is a kind gesture, acts of kindness, be empathetic and compassionate (definitions below) – simply put, be kind and caring to others.
Empathy — The ability to understand and feel the emotions of another person.
Compassion — When feelings and thoughts include the desire to take action to help.
We’ve rounded up some A-Okers from kids (and adults) who, y’know got them done!
Join Kai on adventures and learn that sometimes when you’re kind, the real magic is when you do acts of kindness in secret…shh…only you know the goodness you’ve done.
It makes you smile on the inside and out…that warm feeling inside (like when you’re proud of yourself).
Now that’s the feeling I’m talking about.
Let’s celebrate being grateful and supporting each other!
The Adventures of Kai, series of books will teach children and adults alike to behave in a way they are going to be proud of now and later.
P.S. Remember – There is something good in everything you see, you’ve just got to look for it.
Hey Kids – Let’s Talk.
Are you happy? Think about it before you answer…Not just happy for a minute, or 1 day…I’m talking about waking up happy and choosing to be happy.
The pursuit of happiness begins by first understanding what happiness really means.
You just need 3 things to truly be happy:
- Someone to love
- Something to do
- Something to hope for
Give And Let Give
Give Your Time
Give Knowledge
Give Care
Give Help
Give a Compliment
Give Attention
Give Love
Give Kindness
My hope is that Kai is that spark that brings new life to someone. Your kindness even if it’s small, will be remembered for a long time. My Grandfather always told us, “Do good and forget, but know your kind deeds will not be forgotten.”
We are all happiest when we feel loved, safe, supported and have opportunities to express ourselves – like being good to someone.
I hope that Kai gives the gift of happiness, joy and hope to a child, to an adult and to a family – we all need that more than anything else in today’s world.