Suggestions For Random Acts of Kindness (A-OK) You Can Do Today — Tips & FAQs

  1. Tell a family member how much you love and appreciate them.
  2. Help a friend with their homework.
  3. Help your parents with household chores (folding laundry, picking up your toys, wiping dishes, making your bed – every day).
  4. Help your neighbor rake and pick up leaves, shovel snow, or bring in trash barrels.
  5. Take time to listen to someone if they have a problem – ask an adult for help if need be.
  6. If you’re at lunch and see a person sitting alone, sit with them and share your lunch or snacks (not just the things you don’t like).
  7. Show new kids around the school and introduce them to your friends.
  8. When you do something wrong or hurt someone’s feelings, say “I’m sorry” (and truly mean it).
  9. When you are in the car with others, no fighting with your siblings and upsetting your family members (maybe even talk and share how your day was and ask them about theirs).
  10. If you have pets, help to feed and clean up after them – take dogs for walks with permission.
  11. Take care of a plant (they have feelings too). If you don’t have a plant, adopt a tree.
  12. Help set the table.
  13. Call your Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles. They will be happy to hear from you. It’s always nice to share what’s happening in your life with relatives (and ask them what’s happening in theirs).
  14. Share your art supplies, pencils, crayons, stickers (you get the idea) with classmates and friends.
  15. Tell your Teachers you appreciate them.
  16. Try to cheer someone up who’s having a bad day (put a surprise drawing or note on their desk, text an inspirational quote or a picture of a cute animal, send a joke).
  17. Say hello to your neighbors and smile when greeting them good day. You can even make it a game by making them say hi back…I bet they will.
  18. If it’s raining, share your umbrella, and watch out for the “poodles”/puddles together, especially if it’s raining cats and dogs.
  19. Give up your seat to elderly, disabled or pregnant person.
  20. Pick up some trash lying around in the street (look both ways, watch out for cars and wash your hands).
  21. Reach out to spend time with a family member, friend or neighbor who may be lonely.
  22. Engage in conversation and share a kind word to someone helping you (cafeteria and custodial staff, supermarket shop assistant, restaurant staff).
  23. Hold the door for others and say hello and smile while doing it. You may be the only person that person speaks to all day.

Here are some Acts of Kindness A-OK you can do with adult guidance.

  1. Make a care package for someone who needs it.
  2. Bake a cake for your friends or bring snacks to share.
  3. Pay the grocery order for the person in front of you or pop into a coffee shop and leave extra money for a coffee and donut for the shop to give to someone free.
…and don’t forget to subscribe and sign-up for our newsletter to get early access to info about the launch date of Book #2 “Loyalty is Royalty” and other books in The Adventures of Kai the Butterfly series.

“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
-Dr. Seuss

Kai Floating

Spread Happiness!

When you Smile, You are Passing On Happy Thoughts!

  1. Goodness, kindness, and enthusiasm are contagious.
  2. We get what we expect.
  3. If you visualize it (picture it in your mind, it can happen). Everyday in every way I get better and better.

Share your suggestions. Tell me what you did to be kind. Let me know your ideas for staying positive, happy and making the world a better place for everyone!